Viajes y Presentaciones en el invierno canadiense (+ Nueva York)


Art, zine-making and resistance: a workshop with Coco Riot of Llueven Queers

Tuesday, March 22  2:00pm-3:30pm
Toronto, York University
The Centre for Women and Trans People, at York University, Room 322 in the Student Centre.
facebook event, here!

The rumours are true… Audre Lorde, Andrea Smith and other big time feminists are coming to celebrate the new changes in our resource library! …well their books will be there! Meet new people and check our new zines on chronic pain, comics on queer childhoods, fiction by queer people of colour, beginner guides to sex and disability, and so much more! Learn about creating a membership, our workshop series and our upcoming summer radical reading group. There will be a free lunch: Resource Library Launch Party between 12-2pm on Tuesday March 22nd!!!. Come for the lunch…stay for the books. Afterwards join us for a free art workshop featuring Coco Riot, author of Llueven Queers.

Using their own experience as a queer zinester, visual artist and outreach coordinator of the socially-engaged artist-run centre articule (Montreal), Coco Riot will share their stories on how to be a proud successful queer artist. Creating self-representing art within an anti-oppression framework, Coco Riot has toured, exhibited and talk about their art in Contemporary Art museums, Squatt Centres, Ladyfests, Video-art galleries and friends’ living rooms all around Europe and North America. Their work has been published in contemporary art magazines and queer and feminist zines. And all of these are equally meaningful to them.
In a political culture that has promoted a separation between art and organizing, how can we do to jump the gap and be political artists and artist organizers? What does it mean to create political art? Is it ok to earn money with your art? What are the process, the questions, the tools, the media, the struggles, the resources and the support we may encounter on our way?
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Table Ronde Autour De La Question :
Quels Place et Modes D’Action Pour Les Jeunes Dans Le Mouvement Féministe ?

Mercredi 16 Mars de 18h à 21h30
Montréal, QC
Cinéma ONF
, 1564, Saint-Denis
Sur facebook, click ici!
Le film Attention Féministes! de Rozenn Potin prendra l’affiche, au Cinéma ONF (1564, Saint-Denis, Montréal), du 14 au 17 mars à 19 h. Après la projection du 16 mars aura lieu une table ronde en compagnie de la réalisatrice, Rozenn Potin, et de 4 personnages du film soit Pascale Brunet, Barbara Legault, Coco Riot et Marco Silvestro.
Les intervenants discuteront autour de la question suivante : Quels place et modes d’action pour les jeunes dans le mouvement féministe? L’animation sera assurée par Julie Châteauvert.
Et la projection sera précédée d’un 6 à 7 féministe! Plusieurs groupes féministes de la relève y tiendront une table dont le groupe Rebelles, la fondation Filles d’Action et la Centrale. Vous pourrez également y découvrir les zines créés par Coco et Marco.
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LOS SENTIDOS, by Elisha Lim and Coco Riot

New York, March 6, SITE fest 2011 // Satellite Space, 210 Cook St. // loft Nº 311//Brooklyn, NY

Elisha Lim and Coco Riot were suppossed to perform together for the Armory Week show in Brooklyn!
But borders decided otherwise.
Instead they put their artistic strengths together and created “Los Sentidos”, video-poem that was premiered at Dis-Commodify, Brooklyn queer event of Armory Arts Week in NYC.
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Not Just Queer:
Exploring Intersectionalities in Queer Communities

Avec/with: Coco Riot, Tomee Sojourner, and El-Farouk Khaki
Tuesday, March 8 · 3:30pm – 7:00pm
Auditorium des anciens/ Alumni Auditorium, UCU,
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, ON

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NEW YORK, FEB. 25 2011
Bluestocking Bookstore, 172 Allen St.

Para la presentacion estadounidenses del libro de comic/arte/poesia Llueven Queers de Coco Riot l*s artistas hispanoparlantes queer SHOMI NOISE (NYC), CRISTY C.ROAD (NYC) y COCO RIOT (Montreal) os invitan a una lectura y una discussion sobre la creacion cultural queer, migrante y no anglofona.
Como nos definimos? Como creamos una cultura que nos represente? Como hablamos de queer en nuestros idiomas? Historias y magnifico arte queer garantizado.
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And more to come…..
* Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal launches of Llueven Queers + artist talk during the spring :)
* Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras… Coco Riot will be traveling with their friend DT and presenting their book in Central America from June 18 to July 9!
And when they are not in a bus or a plane….
Coco Riot is the outreach coordinator of the Montreal artist-run centre articule and the new graphic designer at The Public, a Toronto-based activist studio specializing in changing the world…

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